We still have vouchers available for this program, seniors meeting income requirements can obtain vouchers that they can use at participating area Farmers Markets to buy $50.00 worth of fresh, …
The emerald ash borer was recently discovered in Plymouth County in northwest Iowa — the 97th county to have a detection since the beetle was first confirmed in Iowa more than a decade ago, …
A Cherokee City Council vacancy will be filled by appointment on Tuesday, Aug. 8, according to City Hall. Council member Zach Wigginton recently announced his resignation effective June 30, 2023, as …
JOHNSTON, Iowa (May 24, 2023) - Join Iowa PBS this summer for Iconic Iowa, our local initiative connected to the new series Iconic America: Our Symbols and Stories with David Rubenstein . This …
A man who conspired to distribute methamphetamine pled guilty on June 6 in federal court in Sioux City. Jason Werner, 37, from Cherokee, was convicted of conspiracy to distribute …
A special meeting held by the United Methodist Church on May 23 was attended by more than 500 laypeople and clergy. The meeting addressed ongoing actions for several churches seeking to split from …
Despite the fact it’s violating Iowa Code and legal opinion, the Little Sioux Wildlife Association (LSWA) persists in its efforts to maintain its assumed ownership of the county-owned Little Sioux …
A patient at the Cherokee Civil Commitment Unit for Sex Offenders who alleged he was manipulated into an emotional affair with a female psychologist offered to recant his allegations if the …
Air quality in Northwest Iowa became unhealthy for sensitive groups over the past month because of Canadian wildfire smoke that drifted into the Midwest. The Iowa Department of Natural …
Several customers at North Star Community Credit Union received strange text messages last week. The messages indicated that they were from the credit union and asked if the recipient had tried to …
The Cherokee City Council approved several resolutions last week and set bid letting and public hearing dates for the community skate park. Cherokee resident Katie Brown requested an amendment …
The evolution of a county’s secondary roads system could lead one to ponder, “Do we still need all of these gravel roads often leading to nowhere?” On the surface, vacating certain …
A Cherokee County jury will be empaneled next spring to hear a civilly committed sex offender’s claims that his psychologist manipulated him into an emotional affair in 2019. Cherokee County …
Further updates were offered at the previous Cherokee County Board of Supervisors meeting for secondary roads activities and construction projects. County Engineer Sarah Tracy coordinated with …
A Cherokee man pleaded not guilty to a felony fatal hit-and-run charg e that was filed in connection with the death of Phillip Watterson. Casey Herwig, 29, entered his formal plea through a filing …
The Aurelia City Council voted unanimously last week to commit $250,000 toward the fire department’s quest to construct a new and larger station that its officials say is needed to adequately serve …
Aurelian jailed for not registering three vehicles An Aurelia man was arrested because he failed to register three of his vehicles to Cherokee County’s sex offender registry. Kendall …
The Cherokee School Board is moving ahead with its weapons policy and swears it will find insurance coverage for the district. At the same recent meeting where the board revealed the district’s …
EMC Insurance dropped Cherokee Community School District because the district will allow staff members to carry firearms on school grounds in the coming school year. The district received a …
A Cherokee man has been arrested in connection with a fatal hit-and-run incident in December that took the life of bicyclist Phillip Watterson . Cherokee police arrested Casey Herwig, 29, last …