Alta-Aurelia Community School District will increase its tax asking by 12%. The district's school board approved an overall levy last week of $10.175 per $1,000 of taxable valuation for 2024, …
Cherokee art teacher Jake Kromminga has plans to help his WHS students who want to pursue new career paths by creating a graphic arts program. Kromminga, who is wrapping up his first year with …
A lawsuit over injuries suffered from a collision at the intersection of L36 and Hwy. 3 in October 2018 was dismissed from Cherokee County District Court earlier this month. The lawsuit filed …
A trial over the alleged wrongful termination of a former Cherokee Civil Commitment Unit for Sex Offenders union head is scheduled for next spring. Cherokee County District Court Judge Shayne …
It took a lawsuit sandwiched around alleged conflicts of interest of the Cherokee County Board of Supervisors, plus an estimated and real cost analysis to create the F Avenue saga still playing out …
Long-time Storm Lake teacher and soccer coach Ben Schekirke has been hired as the next principal at Alta-Aurelia High School. “We believe Ben to be a good fit for Alta-Aurelia as we feel he …
A patient at the Cherokee Civil Commitment Unit for Sex Offenders was sentenced to two years in prison for sending a letter that outlined a “graphic sexual story” about CCUSO staff members via a …
A patient at the Cherokee Civil Commitment Unit for Sex Offenders was arrested for allegedly kicking a staff member in the face. The patient, who identifies as 28-year-old Tina Keller, was booked …
Ron Wetherell, chairman of the Little Sioux Corn Processors board for more than 20 years, attended the Cherokee County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday to discuss a March 24 letter LSCP …
The Cherokee City Council heard reports Tuesday from Public Works Director Luke Gravenish and Eric Lundell from Sanitary Services on plans to develop new garbage and recycling collection …
A Cherokee man pleaded guilty to a felony because he brandished a semi-automatic rifle during an argument with a woman. Armando Moreno, 37, pleaded guilty to intimidation with a dangerous weapon, …
A judge severed claims leveled by the estate of a deceased resident at Careage Hills Rehabilitation Center in Cherokee and the decedent’s former wife even though the woman and the estate were suing …
Washington High School has launched a new program to introduce students to professionalism. The Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) is billed as a collaboration between businesses, the …
Cherokee County Deputy Assessor Nathanial Story explained some of the assessment changes made this year to the county supervisors on April 4. The assessor’s office implemented the latest Iowa …
At 5:38 p.m. on April 2, the Cherokee Fire Department was dispatched to a commercial fire alarm at the Grand Apartments. Crews arrived and found smoke in the central wing of the building. The fire …
A patient at the Cherokee Civil Commitment Unit for Sex Offenders is suing the state for allegedly violating his First Amendment rights and forcibly sterilizing him. Eddie Risdal is seeking …
The Cherokee School Board held a public hearing April 3 on the proposed 2023-24 budget and after receiving no written or oral objections, approved it as proposed and published. The budget, …
Cherokee County Supervisors heard the presentation of the five-year construction program (2024-28) by County Engineer Sarah Tracy on Tuesday. The program is required annually by the Iowa …
A judge signed off on the State of Iowa’s request to prevent a patient at the Cherokee Civil Commitment for Sex Offenders f rom accessing some information that would be gathered from his own …
The Cherokee County Board of Supervisors met last week to discuss upcoming seasonal changes and projects. Two construction permits were granted: one for Westel in sections 22-27 of Silver …