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River Valley First Graders present "How to Cook a Turkey"


By Mila

First, I wold hunt It down. Next, I will wash It. Then, I rip the

guts out. Last, I will cook ft 10,000 degrees for ten days.


By Cambria

First, I bought my turkey at Walmart. Next, I will wash my turkey.

Then, I cook my turkey in the oven for 2 hours.

Last, I will serve my turkey with rice.


By Elliana Renee

First, I bought my turkey at the store. Next, I will prepare it with

salt and pepper. Then I will cook it for 32 minuts 300°. Last, a

side salad and mash potateo.


By Jesaleigh

First, I will by it. (Walmart) Next, I put salt and pepre. Then, I

will set the oven to 5555°. Last, I will serve mash potatoes with

brokli, cook carets and water to drink.


By Gage

First, I will hunt my TURKEY down. Next, I will gut my TURKEY.

Then, I will grill my TURKEY for 2 hours. Last, for the

sides I will put ledls and mash btadoose


By Elijah

First, hunt it DOWN. Next, wosh It off. Then, cook In oven for

1000 min at 45° ad salt. Last, serv with hambeger and piua.


By Logan

First, I wold by It at Walmart. Next, I put It on the stove and put

it at 100 dgreese. Then, I wold make sum mak in ches and sum

mashbtatos. Last, I wold srvlt.


By Jacob

First, I will hunt for it. Next, I will wosh it. I will grill it 101,000

manits. Then, I will take the legs. Last, I will et it.


By Sexton

First, I went to the shop. I bot a turkey. Next, I put stall on it. I

put it on a chrae. Then, i put the turkey in the mimcrwav min

them. Last, I got it out of the ovin. I have mete with turkey Jeloe

and jos.


By William

First, I got my trke frum th stoor. Next, I put sillt on the trke. I pit

the trke on the Then, I will put the trke in the gril. I wil ch on it.

Last, I set for hoodrn hotel 5 min and we will nek. at my gobu I

will have btaaos and spede.


By Roman

First, I got a trke frum u star. Next, put on peprone and put on

u plat. Then, rost my trke in 930 mins. Last I Eet it I will Drik

my apol jos.


By Kenna

First, I got a turkey fram the star. Next, I put shugr on it. I put

butr on it. I put it on a bol. Then, I ask my mom what time it

has to cook and I will out it in the uvin for 5 minsits. It is worm.

Last, i put mor shugar in it. I will have icskem with doctor pepr

with whotrmelin.


By Jax

First, Me and my gramu wre playng begoe and she wun. she

got a turkey. Next, we whent home. we put sezene on the turkey.

we put it on a plate. Then, I put it in the uvin for 5 mints

100 temperchr. Chee the tempchr. Last, it was good. we ate

befe and peze. the end


By Kash

First, I wunt to a str and I bot a trey.

Next, I put sum sot on. the tracy and its goen on a plat.

Then, put the tracy in a. mtcwrwave for it cude cuce for 10

minits 50 tepchr. Last, let my dad cut the trey. I am go to et sum

tracy and Jus.


By Chloe

First, I wunt to by a turkey at the stoor.

Next, I seaside it wen I got bac. I put it on a chrae. Then, i will

put it on the uvin. Then, I had it in for 5 minis. Last, i had simim

rlls and dipe sose for my turkey.


By Jonas

First, I got a turley frum the shop. Next, I put sos on the turkey.

Then, I will put the turkey in my migrov for 10 gres. Last, I put

it in the tabl. I will et jelo.


By Caelor

First, I got a turkey furn the stu. Next, I put sot ono my plat.

Then, I put it in the ouvi for 51 min. Last, I et my turkey. Then

I have pop.

River Valley Wolverines, How to Cook a Turkey, Student-Created Content


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