Each of us probably has a list of family members and friends to whom we give gifts at Christmastime (and sometimes on other special days as well, like birthdays.) It’s a heartwarming tradition, for recipient and donor alike. Sometimes there are glitches: wrong guess as to what he or she wanted, impossibility of finding that special gift, wrong size, etc. But “it’s the thought that counts,” after all, and you can usually correct the glitch afterward.
Gifting at the holidays is also a tradition for small Midwestern towns to offer their residents and visitors. Greene County’s towns are no different. Jefferson Matters, the Jefferson Public Library, most local churches, schools, Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation, Greene County Historical Society, local businesses, and various other local groups and organizations have offered event after event, special promotions, gift items—all aimed at bringing enjoyment to all of us. Our gratitude is our return gift to all those benefactors.
Gifts like that warm the hearts of both the recipient and the giver. Philanthropists know the joy of providing for the wellbeing of those who need the gift. They have the means to show love through their generosity, and they derive their own pleasure from sharing their acquired wealth.
Most people are unable to make such sizable financial donations to those in need. There’s another way, though, for people of more modest means to find the same joy of giving. That’s through volunteering.
There’s no shortage of worthwhile nonprofit organizations that always welcome—indeed, need—another pair of hands. The food pantry, Friends of the Library, Meals on Wheels, Jefferson Matters, Midwest Mission, youth athletic groups, hospital auxiliary, hospice providers, 4-H, Scouts, school volunteer programs, service clubs, church volunteer groups. All these and more—you can make your own list.
There’s a song lyric that says it all: “People who love people are the luckiest people in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi said the same thing another way: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
I can only imagine how much pleasure the Secret Santa gets from giving $100 bills to strangers. But you don’t have to give large sums to get the same rush of satisfaction. Giving your time, talent, knowledge, or even just your presence and company can mean much to those you help, and to yourself personally.
It’s easy, and comforting, to take to the couch and enjoy sports, romantic comedies, old movies, whatever, on TV. It takes a little effort to get out and provide some help to those who need it. But the payback is well worth it—ask any volunteer.
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