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Iowa Legislature Is Back in Session


The Iowa Legislature opened on Monday, January 13 and we're starting a 110-day journey to make Iowa a little better for the people we serve. Every person at the State Capitol loves and cares about our state.  We all have that in common, so I’m hopeful that will be the uniting force this session.

Before us, we have a choice–how are we going to spend the next 110 days? Can we work together to make life better for all Iowans, or will the session be spent playing politics?

Too many families are feeling the pinch from rising healthcare, childcare costs, stagnant wages, and a growing fear of more layoffs around the state. The Reynolds economy has made Iowa second to last in growth, so we need to think more broadly.

On opening day, I challenged my colleagues to make life better for everyone. Iowans expect us to help and they expect us to ease their burden.

Will we work together to make life better or will division rule the day?

Will we see each other as caricatures or colleagues? Will we find solutions or search for headlines? Will we listen to Washington or Iowans?

Iowa House Democrats are proud to represent more than a million Iowans, and indirectly we represent each and every Iowan, too. They all deserve a seat at the table and we will work to ensure that they have it.

House Democrats are laser-focused on lowering costs for Iowa families and we know it’s going to take a lot of different proposals. There is not a one-size-fits-all solution and we need to look out for everyone in this state, not just those at the top. We are looking at childcare, housing, healthcare, and mental health.

When it’s time to adjourn in May, will we be able to say Iowans have extra money in their pocket at the end of session than they have now?

Will they feel more secure about their jobs?

Will Iowa be a more welcoming place where people want to live?

Will Iowa finally have healthcare that is affordable to those who need it?

Will kids have great schools, no matter where they live or who they are or how they learn?

Will childcare be more affordable than it is today? 

As one of the leaders in the Iowa Legislature, one of my goals will be to keep lawmakers focused on people this session.  We’ve got to remember who we work for, why we’re sent here, and what we are cherished with doing.

The campaign is over. It’s time to put politics aside and make life better for Iowans.


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